Plaza Santa Clara 12, 4º
12001 Castellón
CREDILEX is an ideal resource for any organization with an international presence that intends to cover a need to claim and recover credits from debtors in different countries in an agile and efficient way. Its wide network of local offices, flexibility in fees and having a single point of contact, facilitates the management of files and optimizes the internal processes of any organization with such needs.
The Credilex team has done an excellent job negotiating potential rights of a bankrupt Spanish company, in liquidation, with a multinational without a presence in Spain. In my opinion, it is a remarkable example of the value that Credilex can contribute to a company in bankruptcy.
We are a company in the ceramic sector that belongs to GRUPO PAMESA, and for 4/5 years we have been using the CREDILEX company for uncollectible files international that we have in our company. During this period, we have entrusted them with a score of files, the success rate being greater than 50% between total and partial recoveries.
The management of documentation and information is very comfortable and fluid. The economic conditions offered by collection commissions are good, and they improve the rest of the collection companies with which we have worked previously.
In summary, an agile and simple management, with a high success rate and very interesting economic conditions, make us continue to trust CREDILEX.
CREDILEX combines experience, closeness and has an exceptional response capacity. As a bankruptcy administrator, it has been a relief to have a team that, in addition to being experts in bankruptcy law, are close and at the same time have a great international presence. Legislation, distance, language, money … no longer pose barriers to claiming a credit right.
Azulejera La Plana, S.A., highlights the professionalism, efficiency and dedication shown at all times by Credilex Global Recovery, S.L.P., in the provision of legal services in Greece.
We have trusted CREDILEX with the recovery of our doubtful portfolio, and we are very satisfied with its management, as it is being fast and efficient.
Thank you frankly for the excellent analysis and approach to solve the proposed scenario. In addition, it is a team that greatly facilitates the management of a complex process.
Credilex has shown great professionalism, efficiency and dedication to the customer at all times.
El Molino has been entrusting the management of its unpaid debts to CREDILEX for a long time. We are very satisfied, especially for the close and trustworthy service, the fluid communication they have with the company and the legal knowledge of their team of professionals. It has allowed us to obtain a profitability that is often unexpected, as well as to focus more on other day-to-day issues.
We decided to work with CREDILEX, because of the good references received, and that was the case. At all times they prove to be excellent professionals in the management of recoveries and the results back them up. In any case, they always keep us informed of the evolution of cases with timely reports and demonstrate their quality in the service provided. Great team of experts with whom PERONDA GROUP, S.A. is fully satisfied.
From CERACASA, we highlight the professionalism demonstrated by CREDILEX, from the first moment we decided to work together. The services and the high quality of your team’s legal knowledge, strengthens CERACASA’s commercial relationship and trust in CREDILEX.
Nothing but high praise for Maria Del Mar Garzon Mateos and the Credilex firm. We were directed to her to handle an immigration issue. Her service was outstanding and she went above and beyond what was expected. Everything that was promised was delivered in a very professional manner and in less time than expected. Would recommend her and the firm without reservations.
Plaza Santa Clara 12, 4º
12001 Castellón